Metropolitan Police
Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee (Metropolitan Police) Medal, 1897
King Edward VII Coronation (Metropolitan Police) Medal, 1902
King Edward VII Police (Scotland) Medal, 1903 (Visit to Scotland Medal)
Detective Sergeant David Liddle
David Liddle was born on 29 August, 1862 in Newtongrange, Midlothian, the son of Thomas Liddle, a Coal Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle.[i]
He continued living in Newtongrange, and after leaving school, rather than follow his father and brother into the coal mines, became a ‘Pupil (Student) Teacher’, possibly in the Newtongrange Colliery School opened in 1849.[ii] This was his occupation in the Census of Scotland, 1881.[iii]
So far, I have no information what he did between 1881 and early 1888 but what he did after that is clear.
Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday, 9 July, 1888 (MEPO 7/50)
In July, 1888, David Liddle joined the Metropolitan Police as PC 336 F in Paddington Division, Warrant Number, 73781.[iv]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Friday, 30 March, 1894 (MEPO 7/56)
The orders record that on this date, 73781, by now, PC 163 F David Liddle was transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).[v]
Kensington & Chelsea Electoral Register, 1894, No. 4 Ladbroke Polling District
PC Liddle was living in the Section House at the Police Station in 69 Ladbroke Road when he was awarded the Queen Victoria Jubilee medal in 1897.[vi]
Kensington & Chelsea Electoral Register, 1897, No. 3 Pembridge Polling District
PC Liddle was still living in the Section House at the Police Station in 69 Ladbroke Road when the Electoral Register that year was compiled. [vii]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday, 14 February, 1898 (MEPO 7/60)
The orders record that on this date, 73781, PC 163 F David Liddle was promoted to Police Sergeant (CID) and transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at E (Holborn) Division.[viii]
Old Bailey Deception & Fraud Trial, Tuesday 4 February, 1901
On this date, DS David Liddle, E Division (Holborn), gave evidence at the Old Bailey in the trial of George Herbert Francis and Robert George Porteous on charges of Deception and Fraud.[ix]
Census of England, 1901
On the date of the Census, David Liddle was living at 15 Liverpool Street in the Parish of St Pancras in the Borough of Holborn, London. [x]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
David Liddle, (38) |
Metropolitan Police Officer |
He was still stationed at Holborn (E) Division as a DS. An entry on the Old Bailey website records him giving evidence in a Deception and Fraud trial there in February that year and his Division is recorded in the transcript as ‘E’.
Metropolitan Police Orders, Saturday, 10 August, 1901 (MEPO 7/63)
The orders record that on this date, 73781, PS (CID) David Liddle was transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) as PS (2) at Commissioner’s Office, CID A1 (Branch).[xi]
Marriage to Catherine Hogg Fraser, 1901
DS David Liddle was still living at 15 Liverpool Street in the St Pancras Parish of London in June when he married Catherine Hogg Fraser then working as a General Servant in Hampstead but originally from Cranston in Midlothian, a few miles from Newtongrange. [xii]
Catherine Fraser had been working in London since at least 1891 but it is possible they knew each other from Midlothian.
The Commissioner’s Office (CO)
Having transferred to the Commissioner’s Office (CO) Division at Scotland Yard, it was while here he was awarded the EVIIR Coronation Medal in 1902 as a Police Sergeant (PS), in CO in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
Old Bailey Deception & Fraud Trial, Monday 21 July, 1902
On this date, DS David Liddle, CO (Scotland Yard), gave evidence at the Old Bailey in the trial of Joseph Easton Stanley, George Mills, Samuel Beards and Charles Simons, on charges of Deception and Fraud.[xiii]
Birth of Margaret Jessie Liddle, London, 1902
In 1902, the couple’s first child, Margaret Jessie Liddle was born in London.[xiv]
King Edward VII Visit to Scotland, 11 – 16 May, 1903
Between 11 – 16 May, the following year he was on duty (probably) with Special Branch at the Royal Visit to Scotland of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.
The King and Queen travelled north by train on Monday 12 May, 1903. During that visit, DS Liddle would have been on duty at Royal Events in Edinburgh, Glasgow and at Dalkeith Palace (then home of the Duke and Duchess of Buccluech) where the Royal couple were staying.
The Royal party held a Levee at the Palace of Holyrood House and entertained various guests at Dalkeith Palace. As a Protection Officer, it is highly likely he attended most of the Royal engagements in Scotland.
The King and Queen departed Dalkeith railway station heading south on Friday 16 May, 1903.
Award of the King Edward VII Police (Scotland) Medal, 1903 (Presented in 1904)
According The Police Review and Parade Gossip of Friday, 4 March, 1904, Page 118, he was one of only two Metropolitan Police (and eight other officers from English forces) to be awarded the King Edward VII Police (Scotland) Medal, 1903 (now better known as the ‘Visit to Scotland’ medal) as a ‘Detective Sergeant’ (DS).[xv]
The other officers awarded the Scottish Police medal were from the forces listed below:[xvi]
Police Force |
Remarks |
Metropolitan Police |
Two Detective Officers (one of whom was DS David Liddle), performing Special Duty in connection with the King’s Visit. The medals were forwarded to their respective Chief Constables for presentation.
Manchester City Police |
Two Detective Officers performing Special Duty in connection with the King’s Visit. The medals were forwarded to their respective Chief Constables for presentation.
Liverpool City Police |
Two Detective Officers performing Special Duty in connection with the King’s Visit. The medals were forwarded to their respective Chief Constables for presentation.
Leeds City Police |
Two Detective Officers performing Special Duty in connection with the King’s Visit. The medals were forwarded to their respective Chief Constables for presentation.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police |
Two Detective Officers performing Special Duty in connection with the King’s Visit. The medals were forwarded to their respective Chief Constables for presentation.
Metropolitan Police Orders, Thursday, 29 October, 1903 (MEPO 7/65)
The orders record that on this date, 73781, PS (2) at Commissioner’s Office, CID A1 Branch, transferred to Y (Highgate) Division as PS (1) CID. Later sources, records of the Old Bailey and local newspapers, indicate that he was stationed at Kentish Town Police Station. [xvii]
It is possible that he was transferred on health grounds or unfitness for Special Branch Duties, given what followed two years later?
Birth of Catherine Fraser Liddle, London, 1904
The couple’s second child, Catherine Fraser Liddle was born in London in 1904.[xviii]
The Mercury, Observer and Times, Friday 15 April, 1904
A report on Page 2 of this North London newspaper gave a detailed report on a case heard by a Magistrates Bench consisting of “Sir Francis Cory-Wright, the Rev. F. Hennessy, and the Mayor of Hornsey, Alderman F. W. Lawson” on Monday, 11 April, 1904.
The case involved a 16 year old Servant from Tyndall House Highgate charged with Theft and a Pawnbroker, Henry John Kimball of Hornsey Road charged with ‘Receiving the stolen goods well knowing them to be stolen’.
DS Liddle gave evidence in this unusual case and both accused were found guilty.[xix]
Old Bailey Theft Trial, Monday 24 July, 1905
On this date, DS David Liddle, Y Division (Highgate) gave evidence at the Old Bailey in the trial of Walter Wood and Alfred Soames on charges of Theft.[xx]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday, 19 March, 1906 (MEPO 7/68)
According to page 247, of the Metropolitan Police Orders of Monday 19 March, 1906, PS (CID) David Liddle had died and pay was stopped on 18 March.[xxi]
Metropolitan Police Register of Leavers, 1906 (MEPO 4/342)
This document starkly states that PS (CID) David Liddle, Warrant Number 73781 left the Metropolitan Police on 19 March, 1906 because he had “Died”.[xxii]
England & Wales, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1906
David Liddle’s death certificate states that he died aged 43 years on 18 March, 1906 at 158 Clarence Buildings, Clarence Road in Kentish Town, London. [xxiii]
The entry can be found in the Register for St Pancras, 1906, Volume 1b, Page 79 Liddle.
The Daily News, Thursday, 22 March, 1906
The Daily News of Thursday March, 22nd 1906 reported that:
“Detective Sergeant David Liddle stationed at Kentish Town died suddenly on Sunday. At the Inquest yesterday, the evidence showed that death was due to heart failure from diabetes. All the organs were abnormally large, the heart being double its usual size. A verdict of “Natural Causes” was returned”.[xxiv]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Friday 27 April, 1906 (MEPO 7/68)
An entry on 358 of the Metropolitan Police Orders of Friday, 27 April, 1906 states under “Pensions and Gratuities”: [xxv]
“Pensions and Gratuities (G.O., Pages 47-8, pars. 165 – 167):- Y. The Secretary of State has by letter dated 23rd inst., been pleased to grant A gratuity of £62 8s 10d to the widow of the late P.S. David Liddle, in Accordance with the provisions of the Police Act, 1890.-(A.C.B.)”
This gratuity was paid in lieu of a pension as at the date of death, DS Liddle had not qualified for a full pension entitlement.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1906
The above index for 1906 has the following entry:[xxvi]
“LIDDLE, David of 158 Clarence Buildings, Clarence Road Kentish Town Middlesex died 18 March, 1906. Administration London 22 May (1906) to Kate Liddle, widow. Effects £247 19s 4d.”
This was the final official record of the death of DS David Liddle although more sad news was to follow as on the date he died, Catherine Hogg Liddle was pregnant with their third child.
It appears that Catherine moved to Leith in Midlothian shortly after David Liddle’s death because their third child was born there in July, 1906.
Statutory Register of Births, Leith, Scotland, 1906
On 25 July, 1906, Davina Liddle was born in 8 Trinity Street, Leith. Her parents were listed as:
“David Liddle, Detective Sergeant Metropolitan Police, Deceased 18 March, 1906 and Catherine Fraser or Liddle.”
Her mother registered her birth.[xxvii]
Census of Scotland, 1911
The following were recorded living at 24 Henderson Gardens, Leith on the night of the Census:[xxviii]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Catherine Liddle, (43) |
Widow |
Cranston, Midlothian |
Margaret J. Liddle, (8) |
England |
Cathie F. Liddle, (6) |
England |
Davina Liddle, (4) |
Leith, Midlothian |
Arthur N. Lechles, (21) |
Boarder, Engineering Student |
Madras, India |
Statutory Register of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1911
On 11 October, 1911, in 213 Leith Walk, Leith, Catherine Fraser Liddle, 6 years and 11 months old, died. Her parents were David Liddle, Deceased and Catherine Hogg Fraser or Liddle.
Her cousin, Thomas Gilchrist (the son of her Aunt, Margaret Fraser or Gilchrist), of 77 Henderson Street, Leith, registered the death.[xxix]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1915 -1916 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “James Galloway & Son, 20 Leith Walk” and the Tenant is “Catherine Liddle, Widow”.[xxx]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1920
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1920 - 1921 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “James Galloway & Son, 20 Leith Walk” and the Tenant is “Catherine Liddle, Widow”.[xxxi]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1925
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1925 - 1926 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “S. Hunter’s Trustees, per Misses Hunter, 92 Pilrig Street, per Marshall and Mossman, No. 20.” and the Tenant is “Mrs Catherine Liddle”.[xxxii]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1930
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1930 - 1931 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “S. Hunter’s Trustees, per Misses Hunter, 92 Pilrig Street, per Marshall and Mossman, No. 20.” and the Tenant is “Mrs Catherine Liddle”.[xxxiii]
Statutory Register of Deaths, Morningside, Scotland, 1934
On 10 November, 1934, in the City Hospital, Morningside, Edinburgh, Davina Liddle, (28), a Typist of 213 Leith Walk, Leith, daughter of David Liddle, deceased and Catherine Hogg Fraser or Liddle, died.
Her mother registered her death.[xxxiv]
Statutory Register of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1943
On 18 April, 1943, at 213 Leith Walk, Leith, Catherine Hogg Liddle, (75), widow of David Liddle, Detective Sergeant, Metropolitan Police, died.
Her death was registered by her last surviving daughter, Margaret Liddle of Kingfisher Lodge, Brambridge, near Eastleigh, Hampshire.[xxxv]
England & Wales Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1962
According to her death certificate, Margaret Jessie Liddle, (59), a Retired Housekeeper of 10 Devonshire Close, Marylebone, London died on 23 March, 1962 at 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing in London.
The death was registered by J.M. Gammond of 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 and her body was cremated.[xxxvi]
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1962
The above index for 1962 has the following entry:[xxxvii]
LIDDLE, Margaret Jessie of 10 Devonshire Close, Marylebone, London W.1 spinster died on 23 March, 1962 at 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing, Middlesex. Administration Norwich 17 September to David Liddle, Retired Miner. Effects £509 7s.
Statutory Register of Deaths, Inveresk Scotland, 1963
On 4 October, 1963, at Eden Hall Hospital, Inveresk, David Liddle, (69), a Retired Coal Miner of 2 Galadale, Newtongrange, married to Margaret Mulvey, died.
His son Thomas Liddle, registered his death.[xxxviii]
This is the end of the story of David and Catherine Liddle and their three daughters.
(A detailed chronological history of David Liddle’s family and that of his wife, Catherine Hogg Fraser will be listed in the sections below).
[i]National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1862, (695/90).
[iii] Census of Scotland, 1881, Newbattle, (695/8/6, Page 6 of 16).
[iv] Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday 9 July, 1888, (MEPO 7/50 Page 1888).
[v] Metropolitan Police Orders, 30 March, 1894 (MEPO 756).
[vi] London Electoral Registers, 1832-1965, Kensington North, 1897, Page 270.
[vii] London Electoral Registers, 1832-1965, Kensington North, 1897, Page 270.
[viii] Metropolitan Police Orders, 14 February, 1898, (MEPO 7/60).
[x], 1901, England Census, St Pancras, London.
[xi] Metropolitan Police Orders, 10 August, 1901, (MEPO 7/63).
[xii] Census of England, 1901, Class RG13, Piece 141, Folio 115, Page 46.
[xiv] England & Wales, Births registered in April, May & June, 1902, St George Hanover Square, London, Volume 1a, Page 444.
[xv] The Police Review & Parade Gossip, 4 March, 1904, Page 118.
[xvi] The Police Review & Parade Gossip, 4 March, 1904, Page 118.
[xvii] Metropolitan Police Orders, 29 October, 1903, (MEPO 7/65).
[xviii] England & Wales, Births registered in April, May & June, 1902, St George Hanover Square, London, Volume 1a, Page 444.
[xix] The Mercury, Observer and Times, London North & Crouch End, Friday, 15 April, 1904, Page 2.
[xxi] Metropolitan Police Orders, 7/68 (1906), Page 247.
[xxii] Metropolitan Police Register of Leavers, 1906, (MEPO 4/324, Page 194
[xxiii] Certified Copy of an Entry of Death, DYE 142189, dated 10 March, 2017.
[xxiv] The Daily News, Thursday 22 March, 1906.
[xxv] Metropolitan Police Orders, (MEPO 7/68 Page, 368).
[xxvi] England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1906, (Liddle).
[xxvii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1906, (692/2/985, Page 329.
[xxviii] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1911, Newbattle,
[xxix] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1911, (692/2/662, Page 221).
[xxx] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xxxi] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xxxii] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xxxiii] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xxxiv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Morningside in the City of Edinburgh, (685/7/748, Page 250).
[xxxv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Leith City of Edinburgh, (685/8/329, Page 110).
[xxxvi] England and Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1962, (Middlesex, Volume 5e, Page 97, Liddle).
[xxxvii] England and Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1962,
[xxxviii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Inveresk in the County of Midlothian, (RD 689, Page 60).
David Liddle’s Family History
David Liddle was the son of a Coal Miner, Thomas Liddle, born in Dalkeith and Janet Burnside or Liddle, born in Liberton, both in the County of Midlothian.
Old Parish Records, Cockpen & Newbattle, 1850
The couple were married in Cockpen, Midlothian on 18 June, 1850 after Banns were read in Newbattle[i] and Cockpen[ii].
Midlothian was then one of the main Scottish coalfields and around Newtongrange were several mines owned by the Marquess of Lothian.
The miners were provided houses in ‘rows’, specially built back-to-back in terraces about 12’ apart with outside water closets and a communal water supply in the village centre[iii]. The ‘rows’ were often not named but simply numbered.
The original Lothian Coal Company ‘Row’s (now much modernised), still exit in Newtongrange.
Census of Scotland, 1851
The Census of 1851 lists the following living at 85 2nd Row, Newtongrange:[iv]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (23) |
Coal Miner |
Dalkeith, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (24) |
Liberton, Midlothian |
Old Parish Records, Newbattle, 1851
“Liddle, Margaret L.D. of Thomas Liddle, Miner and Janet Burnside was born at Newtongrange 23 June, 1851 and afterwards baptized”. [v]
Old Parish Records, Dalkeith, 1854
“Thomas Liddle, Miner, Loanhead and his spouse Janet Burnside had a daughter born 4th January, 1854 and baptized soon after by Rev. M McFarlane, Dalkeith, named Catherine in the presence of the Congregation”.[vi]
Statutory Records of Births, Newbattle, 1856
Janet Liddle, daughter of Thomas Liddle, Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle, was born at Newtongrange on 30 October, 1856.[vii]
Statutory Records of Births, Newbattle, 1859
Thomas Liddle, son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle, was born on 11 November, 1859 at Newtongrange in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh.[viii]
Census of Scotland, 1861
The Census of 1861 lists the following living at 25 3rd Row, Newtongrange:[ix]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (43) |
Coal Miner |
Dalkeith, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (47) |
Liberton, Midlothian |
Margaret Liddle, (9) |
Scholar |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
Catherine Liddle, (7) |
Scholar |
Loanhead, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (5) |
Scholar |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
Thomas Liddle, (1) |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
Statutory Records of Births, Newbattle, 1862
David Liddle, son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle, was born on 29 August, 1862 at Newtongrange. His father registered his birth.[x]
This is the birth of the future Metropolitan Police officer.
Census of Scotland, 1871
The Census of Scotland, 1871, lists the following living at 25 3rd Row, Newtongrange.[xi]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (43) |
Coal Miner |
Dalkeith, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (47) |
Liberton, Midlothian |
Thomas Liddle, (11) |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
David Liddle, (8) |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
Statutory Records of Marriages, Newbattle, 1875
On 30 December, 1874, at Newtongrange, David Smith, (23), Miner of Newtongrange, married Margaret Liddle, (23), a Domestic Servant, also of Newtongrange.
David was the son of Alexander Smith, Miner and Agnes Barwick (?) or Smith. Margaret’s parents were Thomas Liddle, Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle.[xii]
The marriage took place in December 1874 but was registered in January, 1875.
Statutory Records of Marriages, Newbattle, 1878
On 28 December, 1878 at Newbattle Manse, Midlothian, John Thomson Cunningham, (28), a Carter of 101 High Street, Perth, married Janet Liddle, (22), a Domestic Servant of Newtongrange after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland.[xiii]
John was the son of William Cunningham, (deceased) and Mary Thomson or Cunningham. Janet’s parents were Thomas Liddle, Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle.
Statutory Records of Marriages, Newbattle, 1879
On 15 August, 1879 at Newtongrange, William Gardiner, (24), a Fireman at Newbattle Colliery, married Catherine Liddle, (25), a Domestic Servant, after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland.[xiv]
William was the son of Alexander Gardiner, (deceased) and Agnes Stoddart or Gardiner.
Census of Scotland, 1881
Living at 25 3rd Row, Newtongrange that night were:[xv]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (53) |
Coal Miner |
Dalkeith, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (58) |
Liberton, Midlothian |
Thomas Liddle, (21) |
Coal Miner |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
David Liddle, (18) |
Pupil Teacher |
Newtongrange, Midlothian |
A ‘Pupil Teacher’ is a student teacher. It is likely that David Liddle was training in the Coal Company School in the village of Newtongrange maintained by the miner’s subscriptions and a contribution from the colliery owners.
Statutory Register of Marriages, Dalkeith, 1882
On 21 April, 1882, at Dalkeith, Thomas Liddle, (27), a Coal Miner of Newbattle, married Mary Ann McEwan, (22), a Paper mill Worker of Dalkeith.[xvi]
Thomas was the son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner and Janet Burnside or Liddle. Mary Ann was the daughter of James McEwan, an Iron Moulder and Mary McGhee or McEwan.
Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday 9 July, 1888 (MEPO 7/50)
Page 715 of the orders that day states under ‘Candidates’ that David Liddle was given the Warrant Number 73781[xvii] and appointed as Police Constable 336 F in Paddington Division.[xviii]
Census of England, 1891
Recorded living as a Boarder at 9 Norland Road, Hammersmith in London was:[xix]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
David Liddle, (28) |
Police Constable |
Scotland |
The Metropolitan Police orders of this time stated that all officers had to reside in approved accommodation with the division in which they worked. This address is within Paddington Division.
Census of Scotland, 1891
The Census of Scotland in 1891 recorded the following living at 37 4th Row, Newtongrange in Midlothian. [xx]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (63) |
Coal Miner |
Dalkeith, Midlothian |
Janet Liddle, (68) |
Liberton, Midlothian |
Later the same year, Janet Burnside or Liddle, PC David Liddle’s mother, died at the same address.
Statutory Registers of Death, Newbattle, 1891
On 27 November, 1891, at 37 (4th Row), Newtongrange, Janet Liddle, Married to Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner, died aged 68 years.
Her parents were David Burnside, Coal Miner, Deceased and Margaret Whitelaw or Burnside, Deceased. Her son, Thomas Liddle of 25 Newtongrange, registered her death. [xxi]
Kensington & Chelsea Electoral Register, 1894, No. 4 Ladbroke Polling District
PC Liddle was living in the Section House at the Police Station in 69 Ladbroke Road when he was awarded the Queen Victoria Jubilee medal in 1897[xxii].
Statutory Registers of Birth, Newbattle, 1894
On 29 June, 1894, David Liddle, the son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner and Mary Ann McEwan or Liddle, was born at 25 Newtongrange, Newbattle in Midlothian.[xxiii]
Later that year, Thomas Liddle, PC David Liddle’s father died at 37 Newtongrange in Newbattle.
Statutory Registers of Death, Newbattle, 1894
On 10 November, 1894, Thomas Liddle, (68), Coal Miner and widower of Janet Burnside, died at 37 Newtongrange in Newbattle. He was the son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner, Deceased and Catherine Loch or Liddle, Deceased. [xxiv]
Kensington & Chelsea Electoral Register, 187, No. 3 Pembridge Polling District
PC Liddle was still living in the Section House at the Police Station in 69 Ladbroke Road when the Electoral Register that year was compiled. [xxv]
Census of England, 1901
By 1901, David Liddle was living at 15 Liverpool Street in the Parish of St Pancras in London. [xxvi]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
David Liddle, (38) |
Metropolitan Police Officer |
Scotland |
England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1901
On 5 June, 1901, at the St Pancras Register Office in London, David Liddle, (38), a ‘Police Sergeant, Detective’ of 15 Liverpool Street, St Pancras married Catherine Hogg Fraser, (32), a Spinster of 43 Judd Street, London. [xxvii]
England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1902
Margaret Jessie Liddle was born in the second quarter of 1902 in the Parish of St George, Hanover Square in the County of London.
The entry can be found in Volume 1a, Page 444, Fraser. [xxviii]
England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1904
Catherine Fraser Liddle was born in the third quarter of 1904 in the Parish of St Pancras in the County of London. The entry can be found in Volume 1b, Page 109, Fraser. [xxix]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Monday 19 March, 1906 (MEPO 7/68)
According to page 247, of the Metropolitan Police Orders of Monday 19 March, 1906, PS (CID) David Liddle had died and pay was stopped on 18 March. [xxx]
Metropolitan Police Register of Leavers, 1906(MEPO 4/342
This document starkly states that PS (CID) David Liddle, Warrant Number 73781 left the Metropolitan Police on 19 March, 1906 because he had “Died”.[xxxi]
England & Wales, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1906
David Liddle’s death certificate states that he died aged 43 years on 18 March, 1906 at 158 Clarence Buildings, Clarence Road in Kentish Town, London. [xxxii]
The entry can be found in the Register for St Pancras, 1906, Volume 1b, Page 79, Liddle.
The Daily News, Thursday, 22 March, 1906
The Daily News of Thursday March, 22nd 1906 reported that:
“Detective Sergeant David Liddle stationed at Kentish Town died suddenly on Sunday. At the Inquest yesterday, the evidence showed that death was due to heart failure from diabetes. All the organs were abnormally large, the heart being double its usual size. A verdict of “Natural Causes” was returned”.[xxxiii]
Metropolitan Police Orders, Friday 27 April, 1906 (MEPO 7/68)
An entry on 358 of the Metropolitan Police Orders of Friday, 27 April, 1906 states under “Pensions and Gratuities”: [xxxiv]
“Pensions and Gratuities (G.O., Pages 47-8, pars. 165 – 167):- Y. The Secretary of State has by letter dated 23rd inst., been pleased to grant A gratuity of £62 8s 10d to the widow of the late P.S. David Liddle, in Accordance with the provisions of the Police Act, 1890.-(A.C.B.)”
This gratuity was paid in lieu of a pension as at the date of death, DS Liddle had not qualified for a full pension entitlement.
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1906
The above index for 1906 has the following entry:[xxxv]
“LIDDLE, David of 158 Clarence Buildings, Clarence Road, Kentish Town Middlesex died 18 March, 1906. Administration London 22 May (1906) to Kate Liddle, widow. Effects £247 19s 4d.”
This was the final official record of the death of DS David Liddle although more sad news was to follow as on the date David Liddle died, Catherine Hogg Liddle was pregnant with their third child.
It appears that Catherine moved to Leith in Midlothian shortly after David Liddle’s death because their third child was born there in July, 1906.
Statutory Register of Births, Leith, Scotland, 1906
On 25 July, 1906, Davina Liddle was born in 8 Trinity Street, Leith. Her parents were listed as:
“David Liddle, Detective Sergeant Metropolitan Police, Deceased 18 March, 1906 and Catherine Fraser or Liddle.”
Her mother registered her birth.[xxxvi]
Statutory Register of Deaths, Newbattle, Scotland, 1910
On 11 May, 1910, Mary Ann Liddle, (50), married to Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner, died in Crawley Cottages, Newbattle. Her parents, both deceased, were James McEwan, Iron Moulder and Mary Ann McGann.
Her husband registered her death.[xxxvii]
Census of Scotland, 1911
The following were recorded living at 24 Henderson Gardens, Leith on the night of the Census:[xxxviii]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Catherine Liddle, (43) |
Widow |
Cranston, Midlothian |
Margaret J. Liddle, (8) |
England |
Cathie F. Liddle, (6) |
England |
Davina Liddle, (4) |
Leith, Midlothian |
Arthur N. Lechles, (21) |
Boarder, Engineering Student |
Madras, India |
Census of Scotland, 1911
The following were recorded living at 4 Crawley Cottages, Newtongrange on the night of the Census:[xxxix]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Thomas Liddle, (51) |
Coal Miner, Widower |
Newbattle, Midlothian |
David Liddle, (16) |
Coal Miner, Son |
Newbattle, Midlothian |
Mary L. Barnett, (37) |
Servant, Housekeeper |
Kirkwall, Orkney |
Statutory Register of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1911
On 11 October, 1911, in 213 Leith Walk, Leith, Catherine Fraser Liddle, 6 years and 11 months old, died. Her parents were David Liddle, Deceased and Catherine Hogg Fraser or Liddle.
Her cousin, Thomas Gilchrist (the son of her Aunt Margaret Fraser or Gilchrist), of 77 Henderson Street, Leith, registered her death.[xl]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1915 -1916 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “James Galloway & Son, 20 Leith Walk” and the Tenant is “Catherine Liddle, Widow”.[xli]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1920
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1920 - 1921 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “James Galloway & Son, 20 Leith Walk” and the Tenant is “Catherine Liddle, Widow”.[xlii]
Statutory Registers of Marriage, George Square, Edinburgh, 1921
On 5 February, 1921, at 34 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, under a Warrant of the Sheriff Substitute of the Lothians and Peebles dated 5 February, 1921, David Liddle, (26), Coal Miner of 93 5th Street, Newtongrange, married Margaret Mulvey, (27), a Carpet Weaver of 23 4th Street, Newtongrange, by Declaration before two witnesses.
He was the son of Thomas Liddle, Coal Miner and Mary Ann McEwan or Liddle, deceased. She was the daughter of Thomas Mulvey, Maltman and Anne Connerton or Mulvey, both deceased.[xliii]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1925
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1925 - 1926 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “S. Hunter’s Trustees, per Misses Hunter, 92 Pilrig Street, per Marshall and Mossman, No. 20.” and the Tenant is “Mrs Catherine Liddle”.[xliv]
Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1930
The Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith for the year 1930 - 1931 records that the Proprietor for 213 Leith Walk is “S. Hunter’s Trustees, per Misses Hunter, 92 Pilrig Street, per Marshall and Mossman, No. 20.” and the Tenant is “Mrs Catherine Liddle”.[xlv]
Statutory Register of Deaths, Morningside, Scotland, 1934
On 10 November, 1934, in the City Hospital, Morningside, Edinburgh, Davina Liddle, (28), a Typist of 213 Leith Walk, Leith, daughter of David Liddle, deceased and Catherine Hogg Fraser or Liddle, died.
Her mother registered her death.[xlvi]
Statutory Register of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1943
On 18 April, 1943, at 213 Leith Walk, Leith, Catherine Hogg Liddle, (75), widow of David Liddle, Detective Sergeant, Metropolitan Police, died.
Her death was registered by her last surviving daughter, Margaret Liddle of Kingfisher Lodge, Brambridge, near Eastleigh, Hampshire.[xlvii]
England & Wales, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1962
According to her death certificate, Margaret Jessie Liddle, (59), a Retired Housekeeper of 10 Devonshire Close, Marylebone, London died on 23 March, 1962 at 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing in London.
The death was registered by J.M. Gammond of 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing W5 and her body was cremated.[xlviii]
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1962
The above index for 1962 has the following entry:[xlix]
LIDDLE, Margaret Jessie of 10 Devonshire Close, Marylebone, London W.1 spinster died on 23 March, 1962 at 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing, Middlesex. Administration Norwich 17 September to David Liddle, Retired Miner. Effects £509 7s.
Statutory Register of Deaths, Inveresk, Scotland, 1963
On 4 October, 1963, at Eden hall Hospital, Inveresk, David Liddle, (69), a Retired Coal Miner of 2 Galadale, Newtongrange, married to Margaret Mulvey, died.
His son Thomas Liddle, registered his death.[l]
This is the end of David Liddle's family story. Please get in touch with the website if you can add any further information. Thank you.
[i] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Registers Marriages, South Leith, 692/2, 43/16, Page 16.
[ii] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Registers, Marriages, Cockpen, 676/30/377, Page 411.
[iii] (Scottish Coal Mining website).
[iv] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1851, Newbattle, 695/8/7, Page 7.
[v] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Records, Births, Newbattle, 1851, 695/50/179, Page 179.
[vi] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Records, Births, Loanhead, 1854.
[vii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1856, (695/93).
[viii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1859, (695).
[ix] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1861, Newbattle, 695, Page 6.
[x] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1862, (695/90).
[xi], 1871, Scotland Census.
[xii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Marriages in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1875, (695, Page 1).
[xiii] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1878, (RD 695, Page 8).
[xiv] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1879, (RD 695, Page4).
[xv] National Records of Scotland, Census 1881, Newbattle, (695/8/6 Page 6).
[xvi] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Dalkeith in the County of Edinburgh, 1882, (RD 683, Page 12).
[xvii] Metropolitan Police Register, (MEPO 4/354 Page, 147).
[xviii] Metropolitan Police Orders, 1888, (MEPO 7/50 Page, 715).
[xix] 1891, England Census, Hammersmith.
[xx], Scotland, 1891 Census, Newbattle.
[xxi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1891, (695/46, Page 16).
[xxii] London Electoral Registers, 1832-1965, Kensington North, 1897, Page 270.
[xxiii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1894, (RD 695, Page 19).
[xxiv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1894, (695/23 Page 8).
[xxv] London Electoral Registers, 1832-1965, Kensington North, 1897, Page 270.
[xxvi], 1901, England Census, St Pancras, London.
[xxvii] England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1901, London, Volume 1b, Page 223, Liddle/Fraser.
[xxviii] England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1902, St George, Hanover Square, Volume, 1a, Page 444, Liddle.
[xxix] England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index, 1902, St George, Hanover Square, Volume, 1a, Page 444, Liddle.
[xxx] Metropolitan Police Orders, 7/68 (1906), Page 247.
[xxxi] Metropolitan Police Register of Leavers, 1906, (MEPO 4/324, Page 194
[xxxii] Certified Copy of an Entry of Death, DYE 142189, dated 10 March, 2017.
[xxxiii] The Daily News, Thursday 22 March, 1906.
[xxxiv] Metropolitan Police Orders, (MEPO 7/68 Page, 368).
[xxxv] England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills & Administrations), 1906, (Liddle).
[xxxvi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1906, (692/2/985, Page 329.
[xxxvii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Newbattle in the County of Edinburgh, 1910, (RD 695, AO, Page 9).
[xxxviii] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1911, South Leith, (692//2/43/16, Page 16).
[xxxix] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1911, Newbattle, (695/A3/1, Page1).
[xl] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1911, (692/2/662, Page 221).
[xli] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xlii] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xliii] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the District of St Giles in the City of Edinburgh, (RD 685-04, Page 88).
[xliv] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xlv] Valuation Roll for the Burgh of Leith, 1915, (VR005500158/110 Leith Burgh).
[xlvi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Morningside in the City of Edinburgh, (685/7/748, Page 250).
[xlvii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Leith City of Edinburgh, (685/8/329, Page 110).
[xlviii] England and Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1962, (Middlesex, Volume 5e, Page 97, Liddle).
[xlix] England and Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1962,
[l] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Inveresk in the County of Midlothian, (RD 689, Page 60).
Catherine Hogg Fraser, (David Liddle’s wife) Family History
Catherine Hogg Fraser was the youngest child of a Shepherd, George Fraser born in Melrose and Margaret Deans, born in Minto, both in the County of Roxburgh.
The couple were married in Minto, Roxburgh on 22 June, 1847 after Banns were read in the Parishes of Wilton, Roxburgh[i] and Crichton, Midlothian. [ii]
Old Parish Records, Minto, 1847
“George Fraser, Horsley Hill (Cottage) and Margaret Deans his wife had a daughter born at Horsley Hill on 6th day of June, 1847 and baptized shortly after named Margaret”.[iii]
Old Parish Records, Crichton, 1849
George Fraser, Shepherd, Crichton and his spouse Margaret Deans, had a son born on the 5th October, 1849 and was baptized and named James”.[iv]
Old Parish Records, Crichton, 1851
George Fraser, Shepherd, Crichton and his spouse Margaret Deans, had a son born on the 20thMay, 1851 and was baptized and named James”.[v]
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1854
George Fraser was born in Crichton sometime in this year but I have not yet found the record. (Please see below).
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1856
Jessie Fraser, daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser was born at Crichton on 30 March, 1856.[vi]
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Crichton, Scotland, 1856
George Fraser, (2), son of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser died on 28 June, 1856 at Crichton Village.[vii]
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1858
Mary Fraser, daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, was born on 18 April, 1858 at Crichton.[viii]
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Crichton, Scotland, 1858
Jessie Fraser, (2.5 Years), died on 28 September, 1858 at Crichton in Midlothian. Her father, George Fraser, Shepherd, registered her death and she was buried in the Churchyard at Crichton.[ix]
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1860
George Fraser, son of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser was born on 19 July, 1860 at Saughland Farm in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh.[x]
It was quite common in Scotland at this time to re-use the Christian name of an earlier chid who had died in infancy.
Census of Scotland, 1861
The Census of 1861 lists the following living at Saughland Farm in the Parish of Crichton in Midlothian[xi]. (The family name is recorded as ‘Frazer’ rather than ‘Fraser’ in this Census.)
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
George Frazer, (40) |
Shepherd |
Melrose, Roxburgh |
Margaret Frazer, (36) |
Minto, Roxburgh |
Margaret Frazer, (13) |
Scholar |
Minto, Roxburgh |
James Frazer, (11) |
Scholar |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Robert Frazer, (9) |
Scholar |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Mary Frazer, (2) |
Crichton, Midlothian |
George Frazer, (8 months) |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1864
Jessie Fraser, daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, was born on 8 March, 1864 at Saughland Farm, Crichton Parish in Midlothian.[xii]
Once again, the family re-used the Christian name of an earlier child who had died in infancy.
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1865
Gideon Fraser, son of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, was born on 20 October, 1865 at Saughland Farm, Crichton.[xiii]
The next two entries concern the birth of Detective Sergeant David Liddle’s future wife, Catherine Hogg Fraser.
Statutory Registers of Births, Crichton, Scotland, 1867
Catherine Hogg Fraser, daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, was born on 23 September, 1867 at Cakemuir in the Parish of Crichton in Midlothian.[xiv] Catherine Fraser was born at 6.00 am on this date.
Unfortunately, her mother died short after giving birth to her. This was certainly not uncommon.
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Crichton, Scotland, 1867
At 3.30 pm on 23 September, 1867, Margaret Deans or Fraser, (43), wife of George Fraser, Shepherd, died in Cakemuir in the Parish of Cranston. Her cause of death was given as “Convulsions after delivery”.
Margaret’s parents were Robert Deans, Joiner and Margaret Scott or Deans, both deceased.
Her husband registered her death.
Census of Scotland, 1871
Living at Cakemuir in the Parish of Crichton in Midlothian in the Census of 1871 were:[xv]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
George Fraser, (57) |
Shepherd |
Melrose, Roxburgh |
Margaret Fraser, (23) |
Daughter |
Minto, Roxburgh |
Mary Fraser, (12) |
Scholar |
Crichton, Midlothian |
George Fraser, (10) |
Scholar |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Gideon Fraser, (5) |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Catherine H. Fraser, (3) |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Census of Scotland, 1871
Living at Horsleyhill Cottage in the Parish of Minto in Roxburghshire in the Census of 1871 were:[xvi]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Gideon Deans, (51) |
Carpenter employing Apprentices |
Minto, Roxburgh |
Janet Deans, (51) |
Wife |
Minto, Roxburgh |
Jessie Deans, (47) |
Sister |
Minto, Roxburgh |
Jessie Fraser, (7) |
Niece, Scholar |
Crichton, Edinburghshire |
James Scott, (16) |
Carpenter Apprentice |
Lilliesleaf, Roxburgh |
Horsleyhill Cottage was where George Fraser and Margaret Deans were married in 1847 and where their first child, Margaret Fraser was born.
Statutory Register of Marriages, Dennistoun, Scotland, 1875
On 15 October, 1875, at 8 Seton Terrace, Dennistoun, Glasgow, Robert Fraser, (24), Joiner Journeyman, son George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, Deceased, married Jessie McLennan, (24), Steam-loom Weaver, daughter of Kenneth McLennan, a Brass Moulder Journeyman and Martha Scot or McLennan.[xvii]
Statutory Register of Births, Dennistoun, Scotland, 1876
Martha Scott Fraser, the daughter of Robert Fraser, Joiner Journeyman, and Jessie McLennan or Fraser, was born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire on 10 April, 1876.[xviii]
Statutory Register of Marriages, Cranston, Scotland, 1877
On 13 July, 1877, at Cakemuir in the Parish of Cranston in Midlothian, Thomas Gilchrist, (30), a Carter from Inveresk, married Margaret Fraser, (27), a Spinster of Cakemuir after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland.
Thomas was the son of Thomas Gilchrist, a Farm Servant and Agnes Beattie or Gilchrist, (deceased). Margaret’s parents were George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans of Fraser, (deceased).[xix]
Statutory Register of Births, Inveresk, Scotland, 1878
Thomas Gilchrist, son of Thomas Gilchrist, Farm Servant and Margaret Fraser or Gilchrist, was born on 24 April, 1878 at Smeaton Farm, Dalkeith Park in Inveresk in Midlothian.[xx]
Statutory Register of Marriages, Cranston, Scotland, 1878
On 25 November, 1878, at Cakemuir in the Parish of Cranston, George Fraser, (58), a Widowed Shepherd, married Margaret Ponton, (40), a Spinster and Domestic Servant.
George was the son of George Fraser, a Gardener, (deceased) and Margaret Wood or Fraser, (deceased). Margaret was the daughter of John Ponton, a General Labourer and Janet Hunter or Ponton.[xxi]
Statutory Register of Marriages, Leith, Scotland, 1880
On 4 June, 1880, at the Masonic Hall, 86 Constitution Street, Leith, William Stark, (26), a Porter, married Mary Fraser, (22), a Domestic Servant after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland.[xxii]
William was the son of Thomas Stark and Isabella Ritchie or Stark. Mary was the daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, (deceased).
Census of Scotland, 1881
Living at Mountmill Farm, Channelkirk [xxiii] in Berwickshire on the night of the Census that year were:
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
George Fraser, (67) |
Shepherd |
Melrose, Roxburgh |
Margaret Fraser, (48) |
Shepherd’s Wife |
Athelstaneford, East Lothian |
Gideon Fraser, (15) |
Shepherd’s assistant |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Catherine H. Fraser, (13) |
Scholar |
Cranston, Midlothian |
Census of Scotland, 1881
Living at 12 Abbey Road, Newbattle in Midlothian in the Census that year were: [xxiv]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
James Hay, (38) |
Assistant Goods Manager, N.B.R.C. |
Edinburgh, Midlothian |
Margaret Hay, (32) |
Assistant Manager’s Wife |
Rothesay, Bute |
Jane A. Hay, (10) |
Scholar |
Edinburgh, Midlothian |
Alexander Hay, (9) |
Scholar |
Edinburgh, Midlothian |
Mary B. Hay, (6) |
Scholar |
Edinburgh, Midlothian |
Sarah M. Hay, (4) |
Newbattle, Midlothian |
Jessie Fraser, (17) |
General Servant, Domestic |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Census of England, 1891
The following were listed living at 28 Canfield Gardens, Finchley in the Parish of Hampstead in London:[xxv]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Jas. A. Morris, (34) |
Architect |
Scotland |
Elizabeth Morris, (28) |
Architect’s wife |
Scotland |
Jas. A. Morris, (2) |
London, Middlesex |
Catherine H. Fraser, (23) |
Servant |
Scotland |
Williamina Deas, (25) |
Nurse |
Scotland |
Catherine Hogg Fraser being PC David Liddle’s future wife, now living in London three years after he moved there.
Census of Scotland, 1891
Still living at Mountmill Farm near Channelkirk in Berwickshire that year were:[xxvi]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
George Fraser, (70) |
Shepherd |
Melrose, Roxburgh |
Margaret Fraser, (53) |
Shepherd’s Wife |
Athelstaneford, East Lothian |
Gideon Fraser, (25) |
Shepherd |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Martha Fraser, (14) |
Grand-daughter |
Cranston, Midlothian |
Census of Scotland, 1891
In the Census of Scotland that year, living at Victoria Buildings, Victoria Road in Cadder in the County of Lanarkshire were: [xxvii]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
James Fraser,(41) |
Grocer and Wine Merchant |
Crichton, Edinburghshire |
Jessie D. Fraser, (26) |
Sister, Housekeeper |
Crichton, Edinburghshire |
Census of Scotland, 1901
In the Census of Scotland that year, living at Victoria Buildings, Victoria Road in Cadder in the County of Lanarkshire were: [xxviii]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
James Fraser,(59) |
Grocer and Wine Merchant |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Jessie D. Fraser, (35) |
Sister, Housekeeper |
Crichton, Midlothian |
Kate H. Fraser, (33) |
Visitor |
Cakemuir, Midlothian |
Annie C. Turnbull |
Typist |
Glasgow, Lanarkshire |
Catherine Hogg Fraser obviously visited her older brother just shortly before her marriage to PS David Liddle in London.
Census of Scotland, 1901
On the night of the Census, 1901, the following were living at Galadean, Legerwood in the County of Berwickshire: [xxix]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
George Fraser, (81) |
Retired Shepherd |
Melrose, Roxburgh |
Margaret Fraser, (62) |
Wife |
Athelstaneford, East Lothian |
Census of Scotland, 1901
On the night of the Census, 1901, the following were living at Ewingston Farm Cottage near Bolton in East Lothian: [xxx]
Name & Age |
Occupation |
Place & County of Birth |
Gideon Fraser, (35) |
Shepherd |
Saughland, Midlothian |
Annie Fraser, (37) |
Wife |
Headshaw, Berwickshire |
Margaret Fraser, (4) |
Channelkirk, Berwickshire |
George Fraser, (2) |
Bolton, Haddingtonshire |
Annie Fraser, (11 months) |
Bolton, Haddingtonshire |
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1901
On 13 September, 1901 at 8 Salamander Street, Leith, Midlothian, Mary Stark, married to William Stark, Dock Labourer, died. She was the daughter of George Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, Deceased. [xxxi]
Her son, James Stark, registered her death.
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1910
On 1 April, 1910, at Broadwood Shiels in the District of Langshaw in the County of Roxburgh, George Fraser, (90), Retired Shepherd married to Margaret Ponton, died.
His parents were George Fraser, Weaver and Margaret Wood or Fraser, both deceased.
A neighbour, John Wilkinson of Chapel, North Lodge, Langshaw, registered his death.[xxxii]
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Leith, Scotland, 1916
On 28 July, 1916, at 77 Henderson Street, Leith, Margaret Gilchrist, (69), married to Thomas Gilchrist, Ploughman, died. Her parents were George Fraser and Margaret Deans or Fraser, both deceased.
Her son, Thomas Gilchrist, registered her death.[xxxiii]
Statutory Registers of Marriages, Leith, Scotland, 1918
On 4 February, 1918, at 79 Lochend Road, Leith, Thomas Gilchrist, (39), a Company Porter, 77 Henderson Street, Leith, married Williamina Heriot, (39), of 8 Gardiner Street, Leith.
He was the son of Thomas Gilchrist, Farm Servant and Margaret Fraser or Gilchrist. She was the daughter of James Heriot, Porter and Elizabeth Rennie Rankin or Park or Heriot, both deceased.[xxxiv]
Statutory Registers of Deaths, Pencaitland, Scotland, 1927
On 29 December, 1927, at Wester Pencaitland Farm, Pencaitland in East Lothian, Gideon Fraser, (62), a Shepherd, widower of Anne Ramsay, died.
He was the son of Gideon Fraser, Shepherd and Margaret Deans or Fraser, both deceased.
His death was registered by his son, George Fraser of 22 Montague Street, Edinburgh.[xxxv]
Statutory Registers of Deaths, George Square, Scotland, 1960
On 26 December, 1960, at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, Thomas Gilchrist, (72), a Retired Company Porter of 65 Restalrig Road, Leith and widower of Williamina Heriot, died.
His friend, J. Acaster, also of 65 Restalrig Road, Leith, registered his death.[xxxvi]
This is the end of the story of Catherine Hogg Fraser and her family. I would be very grateful if you could add any further information. Please contact the website. Thank you.
[i] National Records off Scotland, Old Parish Registers, Marriages, Crichton, 1847, 681/30/170, Page 170.
[ii] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Registers, Marriages, Wilton, 1847, 810/60/176, Page 176.
[iii] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Records, Births, Minto, 1847.
[iv] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Records, Births, Crichton, 1849.
[v] National Records of Scotland, Old Parish Records, Births, Crichton, 1851.
[vi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1856, (681/22).
[vii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1856, (681/12).
[viii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1858, (681).
[ix] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1858, (681/20).
[x] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1860, (681).
[xi] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1861, Crichton.
[xii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1864, (681/14).
[xiii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1865, (681).
[xiv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the Parish of Crichton in the County of Edinburgh, 1867, (680/33).
[xv] National records of Scotland, Census 1871, Crichton, (RD680-ED :).
[xvi] National records of Scotland, Census 1871, Crichton, (RD680-ED :).
[xvii] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the District of Dennistoun in the County of Lanark, 1875, (RD644-03).
[xviii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the District of Calton in the Burgh of Glasgow, 1875, (644-04, Page 157).
[xix] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Cranston in the County of Edinburgh, 1877, ((RD 680, Page 3).
[xx] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Births in the District of Inveresk and Musselburgh in the County Edinburgh, (RD 689, Page 48).
[xxi] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the Parish of Cranston in the County of Edinburgh, 1878, (RD 680, Page 5).
[xxii] National Records of Scotland, the Statutory Register of Marriages in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1880, (692-02, Page 70).
[xxiii] National Records of Scotland, Census, 1881, Channelkirk, (729/3/1, Page 1).
[xxiv], 1881, Scotland Census, Newbattle, Midlothian.
[xxv], 1891, England Census, Hampstead
[xxvi], 1891, Scotland Census, Channelkirk, Berwickshire.
[xxvii], 1891, Scotland Census, Cadder, Lanarkshire.
[xxviii], 1891, Scotland Census, Cadder, Lanarkshire.
[xxix], 1901, Scotland Census, Legerwood, Berwickshire.
[xxx], 1901, Scotland Census, Bolton, East Lothian.
[xxxi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1901, (RD 692, 02, Page 203.
[xxxii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of Langshaw in the County of Roxburgh, (799/2/1, Page 1).
[xxxiii] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of South Leith in the County of Edinburgh, 1916, (RD 692, 02, Page133).
[xxxiv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of South Leith in the Burgh of Leith, (RD 692-2, Page 31).
[xxxv] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the Parish of Pencaitland in the County of east Lothian, (RD 716, Page 5).
[xxxvi] National Records of Scotland, the Register of Deaths in the District of George Square the City of Edinburgh, (RD 685-05, Page 528).